Posted by: Susan | December 22, 2010


Sam took presents in for his teachers and EA’s(educational assistance).

As Sam and I got the gifts ready for school I realized he has 14, yes 14, teachers and EA’s that work with him on a daily basis!

Last week I met with these 3 wonderful teachers (Math, Language Arts, Reading) for a pre-planning IEP meeting.  They want my input before we meet next month for the IEP.  I am still in denial that Sam is going to high school next year but they assured me he is ready.  That little visual aid the teacher is holding up is used to help Sam keep from writing his words in reverse.  Start your word at the green dot Sam.  So clever and visual. 

This wonderful teacher is teaching him how to cook and sew.

This awesome EA helps him in that class.

Sam plays intra-mural basketball on Saturday mornings at the school run by the fabulous EA on the right and her friend who volunteers.

And yes some of the teachers we just hang out with.

Life lesson:  The best gifts are not wrapped in paper and bows but are around us on a daily basis.  Our family has been blessed with the gift of caring teachers and helpers.

The kids started their Christmas break so  today we make a gift for the older siblings and clean the house!  Big brothers and fabulous daughter-in-law arrive tomorrow………………….


  1. Enjoyed your tribute to teachers and EA’s. Yes, they are amazing people. So little we can give them in return for what they contribute to our kids. The numbers can feel a little daunting when it’s time to say thanks at Christmas but we enjoyed making homemade Cherry Jam every year for them. The jam started to become so popular with the teachers…and bus drivers…we were told “we look forward to that jam every year!” Rebecca’s favorite day before Christmas break was the day she made her jelly deliveries to the staff who worked with her– the principal, too!

    • I need that recipe!

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